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Yes, now Nubian Planet is also on Facebook and we would love it if you joined us there too! website is on a mission to organize the most black people on the internet and create clever movements online and want to organize and help black people become more effective at getting what they want. Point blank!

Our Facebook page is ANOTHER GREAT WAY to keep up with what your Nubian brothers and sisters are up to. Our aspirations are to inform you and allow you to peacefully speak and vibe with your brothers and sisters from all over the world. That has always been our mission and we don't intend to stop.
We would rather see you on our website because it is our own platform and we can better cater to the needs of our Nubian brothers and sisters on our own platform, but whether you link with us through Facebook or on any other medium such as our Google group page, we appreciate you staying abreast with what we are doing.

Black lives do actually matter. And the more proactive and supportive of each other that we become, the more the rest of the world will understand that black lives matter as well. We know that what we are trying to do is very important, and we are not about to quit in our journey of establishing the largest platform for black people all over. We thank you for your support!

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