That's because there are hardly any black social networks. Sure, we have a few popular blogs that were created by black people but not really many black social networks.
You have to discount popular sites such as Word Star Hip Hop that does not serve as an ideal black social network. The idea behind the website was to show popular videos of black people acting terrible.
World Star Hip Hop, black social network, has posted some of the most popular and disgusting things that black people have done. The website serves as a model for social media at its worst behavior. Black people should be outraged and infuriated. But everyday I am sure they get tons of videos that some soul is destined to make go viral of some black person doing the most inhumane thing on the black social network.
When will black people wake up and get tired of becoming spectacles for the world's amusement? Then there are a few other popular black social networks, such as for instance, which has mainly earned a reputation as one of the largest black dating sites.
Omar Wasow is the creator of New York Online which was a pre-web community he started in 1993 from his living room in Brooklyn, NYC. Black Planet was launched in September 1, 2001 by Wasow and has become the largest website in the world that targets black people. The company is run by Community Connect who also run and Black Planet says their goal is to "strengthen the black community" which is a noble goal for a white company to have. Omar Wasow no longer owns Black Planet, but has sold it to Community Connect.
But wait, that's okay right? Don't we have black social network? What about black social network? Well at least there is right? Wrong! I'm sorry, but when it comes to technology it is said that black people linger far behind everyone else. All of the aforementioned websites are white owned. There is not one single relevant social network that is owned by a black person who is not famous.
These white owned businesses believe that white people are better at marketing to black people than black people are. What appears to be the biggest slap in the face often proves true. The reason that white people are so much better at marketing to most black people is because they DO know what appeals to black people are the same things that appeal to white people. Some refer to this as the Europeanization of African Americans. It's why once Facebook attracts enough white people from Harvard, blacks become to eager to not be excluded. It may be part of the reason that they even put their businesses in black communities and black people buy from them instead of other black people, when in fact, black people should demand that there are more opportunities for them to open up black businesses in black communities. WHY CARE ABOUT A BLACK SOCIAL NETWORK?
The time has come and it has become increasingly more important than ever for black people to start having their own. It's time black media stop becoming dependent on resources created and owned by white people in particular. Black people should learn to send a message to the rest of world that implies that they are worth being catered to and show true signs that they can have their own media power with black social networks.
If blacks do not do this, then they become a slave to a white and untrustworthy white market that will continue to control how black people feel, think and respond to their environment and media around them with white owned black social networks. But once people gather together they become empowered. Once black people no longer depend on resources owned by white people, they can do the unbelievable. Social networks have become a major and very important part of our extraordinary and everyday lives.
If you interested in supporting a great new and upcoming black owned social network, then I highly recommend Nubian Planet. It's basic and simple, but often that provides the most convenience. Will you be apart of its success and help spread the word about the website?
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